Providers of
Support & Respite

Our Vision

‘For every adult with a mental health diagnosis living in Essex to have a
healthy and fulfilling life, and to be able to access support as and when they need it

Care & Support when you need it the most.

We support individuals over the age of 18 who suffer from an acute or chronic mental health diagnosis and those affected by dementia, social isolation, neurodiversity, brain injury and stroke survivors.

Our support is person centered, setting achievable goals with the person we support, working in partnership with local agencies to achieve the best outcomes for the client.  

We encourage clients to develop life skills, engage in social activities and build their self-esteem and confidence, allowing carers time to pursue their own interests or simply time to relax.

Our support can be provided at home and in the community.

Our latest news and updates

Count on us

We strive to provide excellent support

Support Individuals with Mental Illness

Social & Therapeutic Activities

Attending Medical Appointments

Help Achieve Personal Goals

Support & Respite For Carers

Get in touch

Call our confidential support line on 01245 353855.
Our office is open

Monday 09.00am – 14.00pm, Tuesday 09.00am – 16.30pm, Wednesday 09.00am – 14.00pm, Thursday 09.00am – 16.30pm and Friday 09.00am – 16.30pm

Making A Difference

ERCA commit to continually trying to support the client in bettering their life

ERCA invest time and energy in what is and in what can be

ERCA staff strive to be uplifting and motivating

Make a difference

ERCA commit to continually trying to support the client in bettering their life

ERCA invest time and energy in what is and in what can be

ERCA staff strive to be uplifting and motivating

Person Centered

ERCA support clients to work towards their goals

ERCA support clients to take control over their lives

Clients have choice over the support they receive

ERCA welcomes and listens to any client and carer feedback

Dignity & Respect

ERCA treat clients and their carers with dignity and respect regardless of their culture, religion, age, race, sexual orientation and disability

All staff accept and respect clients and their carers' confidentiality and individuality

ERCA respects a client’s right to make their own decisions and choices about how they want to be supported