Christmas newsletter 2023
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Autumn newsletter
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ERCA commit to continually trying to support the client in bettering their life
ERCA invest time and energy in what is and in what can be
ERCA staff strive to be uplifting and motivating
ERCA commit to continually trying to support the client in bettering their life
ERCA invest time and energy in what is and in what can be
ERCA staff strive to be uplifting and motivating
ERCA support clients to work towards their goals
ERCA support clients to take control over their lives
Clients have choice over the support they receive
ERCA welcomes and listens to any client and carer feedback
ERCA treat clients and their carers with dignity and respect regardless of their culture, religion, age, race, sexual orientation and disability
All staff accept and respect clients and their carers' confidentiality and individuality
ERCA respects a client’s right to make their own decisions and choices about how they want to be supported
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